Pet Profile: Lemmy (and Gummy and Butter and Pancho and Lefty)
March / Apr. 2018 issue of My City Magazine
My name is Lemmy and let me just start by sayin’ that it’s dog’s world out here; the sights, the smells, the treats, the cuddles, the boops, and the private chauffeured road trips. I could just go on forever.
They say a lady never reveals her age, especially when you’re a classic beauty like me, but I’ve had my pet Human for almost forty seven years. I think that is equivalent to about seven human years, but, hey, whatever. I didn’t really know what to name my pet Human at first, but I noticed that she liked and took great joy when I howled “AHROO”, so the name just kinda stuck. It’s been ‘her and I’ for as long as I can remember. We have the most beautiful life together. I especially like it when my Human hand feeds me fresh fruit and scratches my butt.
Aside from my Human, I have a thirty-two-year-old brother (humans like to say he’s four, but, hey, whatever). He’s an Australian Cattle Dog named Gummy. He looks a little different than me with his funny spots and floppy ears. He likes to follow me around the house, jump on my head, wrestle me for my toys, and clean my teeth with his frying pan tongue. Dude is generally happy just being happy, although, as of late, he has been really sad. My human decided to bring home some birds to add to our pack. She hasn’t been letting Gummy jump on their cages and eat them for snacks. It’s tough. Lately we’ve been getting to know Pancho and Lefty, the bonded parakeet brothers. They mysteriously showed up on our doorstep. (My Human tells the story better than I do.) Also currently warming up to Butter, the infamous five-year-old grey masked cockatiel who likes to whistle the Alabama Fight Song. I am not kidding. My Human found him online with this description. She plays the flute and is kinda teaching him new songs. It doesn’t suck. Kid also dances to all types of music, tells me that I’m a “pretty bird”, and likes to sit in my Human’s hair. Her mop is usually pretty messy so it makes for a nice nest.
Overall, me and my pack have a wonderful life. It has been a little loud and crazy (er) with the addition of our birds over the last couple of months, but it is SO worth it. At the end of the day, after the birds have gone to sleep with the sunset, we get to cuddle up in MY big, beautiful bed. It is then that I know (some more) that all is right in the world. My Human “Ahroo” and her pet birds, plus my brother Gummy and I, are always looking to make new friends. I take my Human for walks sometimes to the Diamond Restaurant in Plaza-Midwood. Come and give a boop. We cannot wait to meet you all.
#bork #farmlifeinthecity
photos: Jude Salinas
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