What do I Know? I’m just a Clown : Nov. / Dec. 2018
“Ask the Clown” : an advice column by the Clown
Dear Clown,
I fear that I am seeing the end of America. Everyone is angry and they seem to hate each other. The things that are happening around us look like the things that happened in Germany in the 1930’s and it is chilling to think that we could become something that was never intended by the founders or by those that have served to preserve our system. How can I shake this feeling?
Frustrated Patriot
Dear Frustrated Patriot,
Outside of voting in every election, you can volunteer and become an activist for change in your community and ultimately the country at large. Your feelings are shared by several people and often scorned by some. Do not allow the naysayers to impact your motivation to do what is right.
From California to the New York island,
The Clown
Dear Clown,
Someone I have been seeing revealed a secret to me recently and I feel like I should intervene. She has been molested by her father since she was very young and it continued through college. We went through the holidays last year with her family without my knowledge of this, but the approaching holidays will be framed by this. If I am asked to come along to her parents’ house this year, should I refuse? Should I go and confront her father? Should I go and just remain quiet?
Angry Boyfriend
Dear Angry,
First, remember that your girlfriend is the important person to you. Talk this out. Let her know what you would want to do and say and see if she thinks this would be the best. If she has come to some sort of peace with this, you must decide whether you can tolerate her father and act accordingly. We know the guy belongs under a jail somewhere, but this has somehow been avoided.
Happy Holidays,
The Clown
Dear Clown,
My neighbors are intolerable. They are noisy well into the night every night, they are obviously involved in selling and buying drugs, they abuse their three dogs, and I suspect that they attempted to break into my shed recently since there was damage to the lock and the area around it. I have since reinforced and changed the lock. Every day, I wish they would just move. I own my property and they are renting the place next door. Help?
Dear Wilson,
Step one: Video and photographic evidence of the animal abuse and contact your local animal control to intervene. Step two: Report every incident of neighborhood code violation, drug exchanges, and noise violations. Always report anonymously and do not have the police stop by to discuss anything. In addition to these items, let the landlord know what is happening since they have some liability and maybe keep a firearm on hand in case of unwanted visits by these people.
Wishing you peace in the neighborhood,
The Clown
Things I should not have to tell you …
1. Approach problems with reason and logic. Leave feelings out of it.
2. If you want to create something, learn how, and try it without regard to those that say you cannot.
3. Invest time in teaching others and helping us become a better community
4. Get your scratches and step away. If you win, get back in line.
Do you have a question for The Clown? Write him at [email protected]
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