What do I Know? I’m just a Clown : May / June 2019
“Ask the Clown” : an advice column by The Clown
Dear Clown,
I have a weekly lunch date with colleagues in my office. My manager is kind enough to pick up the tab every week and it is a benefit we all enjoy. Lately, a newer co-worker has been complaining during this lunch and has involved the restaurant manager in three separate places. The first time, I thought that this was a legitimate thing, but now it seems like a habit. None of us want to lose this benefit, but we do not want this co-worker coming along anymore. How should we handle this?
Dear Annoyed,
I can see a few ways you could solve this problem. One, invite the boss along so that he can see this behavior. It may be an indication of a poor fit of other areas in your work dynamic. If not, the boss may have a talk with this individual. Two, change the day of the week without telling them. This is immediate relief and it sends a message. Three, have lunch brought into the office. This can be a way to cut down individual customization and nobody is present to field complaints. Four, tell this person that you don’t want them coming along anymore. Quite frankly, this is the option that I would take. Certainly, there cannot be a problem every time your group has lunch.
Bon apetit’
The Clown
Dear Clown,
I just found out that my mother has returned every gift I have given her over the past two years and that the amount paid was credited back to my accounts. Each time I have given a gift, she talks about how thoughtful it is and that she is very happy with it, but returned it each time. I am not in a situation where I cannot afford to do this, so I am wondering why it has been happening. Help?
Loves His Mom
Dear Loves His Mom,
Have a talk about this with your mother to see why she returned the gifts. She likely has a legitimate reason for this. If she refuses to talk about it, switch up your gift giving strategy to include her favorite foods and drinks and go enjoy them with her.
The Clown
Dear Clown,
May parents are giving me a headache. I decided to not have my children vaccinated due to research I have done and they keep insisting that I must do this. I keep trying to explain the dangers to them, but they will not listen. I want them to respect my decisions. What should I do?
Anti-Vax Mom
Dear Anti-Vax,
It seems to me that you have tried to discuss this with your parents quite a bit. I am sure you presented all of the data you found arguing against vaccinations. This can be a struggle against the traditional medical practices and the history and results of these practices. Considering the results, and that herd immunity is a real thing, your selfish and poorly informed decision impacts your community. Make an appointment and get the vaccinations done.
Stop enabling ignorance,
The Clown
Things I should not have to tell you
1. Science is real.
2. Windmills do not cause cancer.
3. Approach every problem with logic rather than emotion.
4. Never make fun of a person’s appearance.
5. Play your favorite music loud and sing along.
Do you have a question for The Clown? Write him at [email protected]
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