What do I Know? I’m just a Clown : January / February 2019
“Ask the Clown” : an advice column by The Clown
Dear Clown,
I just found out I am pregnant and I am excited to have this baby. I have some troubles, though. I am going to be a single parent and I have only just started my career after college. I definitely do not want the biological father involved. He knows, but he cut off all communication just after I told him. I am trying to come up with the courage to tell my parents now. They had me when they were young and made sacrifices to raise me. I know that they will worry. How would you proceed?
Dear Expecting,
Just be open with your parents. You are in a good position to support a child and they will likely be eager to help. They will always worry because that is what parents do. They want the best for you and they always will. I hope you have a happy and healthy baby.
Invite me to the baby shower,
The Clown
Dear Clown,
I am married with two children and a great husband. We built a great life so far and the children are wonderful. Recently, I have been thinking about something I left behind in order to raise a family. I was bitten by the acting bug early in life and I was an actor through college and after. Theater takes a lot of time, so I put it aside while we started our family. I would like to act again, but I am afraid to bring it up with my husband and children. Should I just let it go?
Starring Role
Dear Starring,
It seems by the brief description of your situation, that you have good communication at home. Just have a family meeting and discuss the option of you acting again. Be sure to include all the details and resulting responsibilities for everyone at home. I am willing to bet that you will find some support. Be open to considering limitations on your endeavor as well. There may have to be a limit on the number of productions each year and what time of year they happen. I am sure you will be back in and off book before you know it.
Thank you five,
The Clown
Dear Clown,
I have been offered a job opportunity in another city that would be a great move. I am divorced with a son and I have shared custody. Communication with my ex is limited to concerns with my son and she is remarried. Naturally, I am concerned with what will happen with my son if I choose to make this move. If I get resistance from my ex, I may have to stay where I am. How do I bring this up?
Working Dad
Dear Working,
Plan this conversation with options on where your son can be during specific times of the year. For instance, if you make this move, your son could spend summers with you or he could attend school where you are and have summers with his mother. There are several options here, including incorporating online school, homeschooling, etc. If you present this with well-crafted options, it may work in everyone’s favor.
Best of luck,
The Clown
Things I should not have to tell you
1. Do the research
2. Helping someone else is never a waste of time.
3. Call your parents and grandparents while you can
4. Hot sauce is for enjoyment, not a challenge or dare, don’t be an idiot
Do you have a question for The Clown? Write him at [email protected]
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