What do I Know? I’m just a Clown : Jan. / Feb. 2021
“Ask the Clown”: an advice column by The Clown
Dear Clown,
I am writing to see if I get an actual response. I have always been a little suspicious of advice columns and their actual source. Some are written by a group of people and some are the real thing written by an individual. I wonder which one you are.
Dear Doubting,
Thank you for your letter. As you can tell by the email response to your question and this published version, this column is written by an individual. I am a Clown as well. I can understand why you would want to know since so much of what is published or viewed lately is either sponsored content, conjecture, or lies. Encourage your friends to write in. I am always pleased to work on this column.
Take care,
Dear Clown,
I refuse to be afraid of this virus and I have trouble believing that wearing masks and keeping distance helps at all. COVID has not affected me or anyone I know, and I don’t think it will. Why should we still have all these restrictions?
Dear Frustrated,
Congratulations!! Avoiding the virus is not an easy thing to do. I am guessing that the restrictions you mention must be working in your favor and in favor of those you know. Adapting and adjusting lifestyle has not been easy, but it is necessary. Masking and distancing work in that you slow or stop droplet transmission from you to others and from others to you. Keeping your immediate vicinity sanitized and your hands washed help to keep infection at bay as well. Outside of this, working to boost your immune system can be helpful. Proper nutrition and regular exercise will help with that. Keep in mind that we are still learning about this virus and its impact. The latest news has treatments and vaccines on the horizon, so hopefully we can return to some of our favorite activities when they are widely available.
Wear a mask,
Dear Clown,
I am concerned that I have not done anything worthwhile in my life and I am concerned that I don’t have enough time. I am currently 62 years of age, in good health, raised a good family, and have a home and retirement plan for myself and my wife. I feel like I have missed out on something in all this and I don’t know where to begin.
Dear Ticking,
Everything you spelled out is extraordinary and there are many others that would sacrifice a limb to have what you have. This being said, if you have an empty space, fill it by giving back. Volunteering your time for a cause that you believe in can be fulfilling, particularly if you make it your own. If you have stories to tell, write them down and share with your family and friends. Creating something can also be soul soothing. Try several things and stick to the ones that speak to you.
Fill that bucket,
Hello dear readers,
I always want to hear from you and help, if possible. Please write any time you want.
During this time of oddity and isolation, I have had time to think about all of you, how you are feeling, and what the future can be.
1. Shed the things that stir unhappiness. Cleaning your dwelling can lighten your soul.
2. Silence may be REALLY loud, but you are never alone. Someone always wants to hear from you. Call, text, write letters. Enjoy responses as an indication that those you care for are OK.
3. If your time is spent alone and your soul longs for companionship, make a list of standards for those that can qualify and stick to them, even when drinking.
4. Remember that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Put as much love into the world as possible every day.
5. Don’t let errors rule your existence. Move forward.
6. Your most excellent efforts are welcome in every situation.
7. Own physical copies of movies and TV shows you love, in case streaming fails.
8. Learn to make things over coals or open fire, in case of power outage. You can make pizza on a kettle grill.
9. Remember that concerns with others life decisions are non-essential.
10. Be as informed as possible, with facts, always.
Do you have a question for The Clown? Write him at [email protected].
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