My City Magazine Pet Profile: Swarley
Nov. / Dec. 2018
It is Bob “Swarley” Mon’ here, but I go by Swarles aka Swarles Barkley aka Swarles in Charge aka Swarlos aka Swarley is a Chocolate Factory.
My name is an old reference from the show “How I Met Your Mother”. It is from a scene in which Barney gets called Swarley on a coffee cup and his friends make fun of him with different variations of the name.
Age: 5 1/2 yrs. old
Weight: about 135 lbs.
Likes: Mom, Dad, riding in the car, digging on the beach, going to Sanctuary Pub in NoDa (or anywhere his butt scratching b*tches reside), and running with fireworks.
Dislikes: The neighbor’s dog (for pooping on my back steps).
Come see me some weekend at the Rabbit Hole. (The mommy parent of mine manages the bar there.)
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